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We work with some pretty unique customers, and offer some quite unusual and unique services. As a result, we only hire unique people.


We are constantly on the look out for like-minded individuals who can bring their talents and expertise to the table, and make a difference.

We’re looking for talented, forward-thinking people.


People who can make a difference with their talents, experience, or expertise.

Up to 1,000 PT/FT Employees Needed Nationwide


What sort of people are we looking for?



We work with a wide range of clients, from small ‘one-man-bands’, to start-ups, to global multinational organizations. You need to be able to work on a range of different projects and events all at the same time, and get frustrated.


If you’re looking for routine, then keep looking.VarietyWe’re looking for people who can take direction and find creative and efficient ways to get there.



We’re looking for strong, self-disciplined individuals who can take the initiative, trust their gut-feelings, and who welcome the flexibility to implement their own ideas. If you’re looking to work somewhere where people tell you what and how to do everything, then we’re not that company.



Take your work seriously, but don’t take yourself too seriously. We’re going to be working closely together, so we need to get on – regardless of good you are (or think you are). Humor is a big part of our day. It needs to be a big part of your day too.



We firmly believe that, today, there’s still a place for doing business in an honest, ethical way. We don’t lie to customers, we don’t cheat them, and we don’t take advantage of them. If we screw-up (which, to be honest, we occasionally do) then we’re the first to put our hands up.

Whatever you do, please DON’T call us and leave messages. calling us do not tell what you can do. If you want us to notice you, then here are some suggestions:


Register at our social website click here


Connect with us on social media. Impress us. Send us a video of yourself. Show us what you can do. What you LIKE to do.


Perhaps the above is too weird for you.


That’s perfectly fine. We totally understand.THE PROPHETIC FOUNDATION INC is not for everyone. If you’ve drawn a blank as to what you should do next, then – sorry – but perhaps we’re not right for you either.

The Next Step?

 Internship Management Positions

Part Time Positions (Members only)



To apply you must have an active social networking account and agree to become a member of out nonprofit foundation. Please visit our website and register before June 7, 2014

click here

© 2013 by The Prophetic Foundation Inc. All rights reserved.

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