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  • Your Local community has many people living within a 10 mile radius from your church.
  • Global community has 3 billion plus 


Your church

10 or more members

The public can attend:

  • Sunday service

  •  Pray meeting service

  • Special schedule functions

Sometimes some of the best talents are hidden in small places and due to the lack of publicity many are not discovered.

Talents such as:

  • Pastors who are blessed by God to bring about prophetic messages through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit with passion and conviction to bring about healing and blessing to those in need of a word from God.

  • Singers in local churches that has voices of angels can expose their talents to other churches.

  • Talented in writing inspirational prayers toinspire and motivated other in need.


When you register your church group we can set everythink up for you, no out of pocket expense.


  •  You can post prayer and testimonies from your church

  •  You can post your sermons in writing or video recorded

  •  You can have live private confrence or video chat rooms for prayer or meetings

  •  Use the event scheduler to keep people informed, RSVP or Charge for events 

  •  Create groups and chatrooms for prayers

50% of the world and your local community is now using social medial for networking.

With TPNOM being a global multilingual networking site you can now share your message and events to reach more;

  • Unsaved souls

  • Other Christians looking to visit or participate in your events

  •  People seeking daily prayer and counseling from pastors 

  •  You can show case your message you got from God and share with a bigger audience

The prayer network outreach ministry, we are a global Christian site for churches who engage their members in prayer walking for spiritual education and health awareness. 


Prayer walking is not a new concept, some churches do have some form of prayer and worship events.  And those churches are always the ones who can relate more to their community needs.


We encourage churches who desire or have to have prayer walking services or some form of prayer outreach programs for their member and the local community to register with us so we can help promote their programs. There are lots of proven benefits like;


  • A chance to increase your membership base from your local community

  • A chance to developed new relationship with neighbors who want to participate in walking for exercise in groups

  • Awareness from none members of the potential your church has in helping people within the community in time of need.

How we work with churches in three (3) easy steps.

Soul winning...

  • How many members invite their friends to church?


  • How man members go door to door in your community to invite your neighbors to church?


  • Another obstacle...with some local community being racial divided and Christian difference in worship it may be hard to convince some people to support your Christian views.

STEP #1 Your church                          TPNOM networking

STEP #2    Benifits of Prayer walking for your church

STEP #3  What TPNOM offer to help spread the word of God

The Prayer Network Outreach Ministry (TPNOM) is an online social media networking site that will provide a positive outlook for Christians all over the world. Some of the features of using this site are;

• Same social networking site features like (FB or My-space) (without all the unwanted ads and none Christian like comments)

• Daily prayer networking around the world No access required

• Members can their share prayers and testimonies and lots more.

• People can find prayer walk (church) groups in communities and wherever they travel.

Interacting with the local and global community through technology.

  • No more language divide due to the instant language translator system where your message can be read in every language in the world from our social networking site see sample at  

  • Interactive prayer rooms with live video conferencing and music selection as needed

​What we can do for you: 


  • Link your current site from our link pages (if you don't have website don't worry we can help you)

  • We list your church in our church directory and your pastor in our pastorial support link

  • Design event flyers for you (if you do not have a graphic designer)

  • Design your group web pages with all the links you need

  • We design prayer and bible verse cards for your members, print and distribute to churches.

  • if you need a separate website we can design it for you (3-5pages) for $200.00 which includes FREE hosting/domain name 1yr


There is no agreement or contracts or fees required to become a part of our TPNOM, but you are required to register at 


​Or you can call 1-888-509-9984 for rigisteration




© 2013 by The Prophetic Foundation Inc. All rights reserved.

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